A Kingdom of Priests to the Nations

Christianity is the kingdom of priests God envisioned in Exodus 19. Its purpose is to mediate the blessings of God to the world. As we partake of the body and the blood of Christ in communion, we imitate the Aaronic priests’ consumption of portions of certain Israelite sacrifices. Communion strengthens and empowers us to bring the blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy to the nations of the world.

Book Review: Meribah by Arthur Mokin

Meribah is a novel by award-winning filmmaker Arthur Mokin that follows the fortunes of a young Egyptian scribe during the events related in the biblical books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. After his country and family are devastated by the ten plagues, he decides to follow the Israelites on their journey, in large part because he has fallen in love with an Israelite woman, though a small part of his decision (and one that becomes more important throughout the novel) is his fascination with the God of the Israelites who so convincingly, albeit brutally, demonstrates his power over the Egyptian pantheon and Pharaoh.